Sunday, January 29, 2017

Who other than Galileo was knowing that Earth is not flat?

Afiche de la Tierra

Photo Source - By Kelvinsong (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Galileo said Earth is round

Brahm Puran says Earth is egg shaped

SrimadBhagvat Puran - 5th Skandh -Chapter 21- says When Sun is on head in one Pura (city ) and is distributing scorching heat then exactly on other side, people are in deep sleep as there is night.

SrimadBhagvat Puran - 5th Skandh - Chapter 21- says When the sun is appearing as Rising to some then at same time it is  appeared as setting for others.

SrimadBhagvat Puran  - 5th Skandh - Chapter 21- says That way sun passes through the 8 Puras (Cities)

SrimadBhagvat Puran  - 5th Skandh - Chapter 21- says Those who live on Mount Meru can always see Sun on their heads (not having day and night)

Other interesting things in this 5th Skandh - Chapter 21
Shukra planet or Venus moves along with Sun in various 12 Zodiac divisions of universe.
Above Venus is Budh (Lord of Wednesday) 
Above it is Mangal (Mars). It is unlucky.
Above it is Jupiter (Lord of Thursday)
Above it is Saturn (Lord of Saturday)
Saturn takes 30 years to complete one revolution.

As an apple is divided into 12 slices that way universe is divided into 12 parts and each part is called Zodiac area represented by Zodiac signs. 
The sun and  set of planets is moving in this 12 areas every year.

Description of a big mountain
There is description of a big mountain accepted as border to this universe. It is said that this mountain is so big, that not even the rays of sun and rays of all stars of universe can cross it. It is accepted as the area between light and darkness.

Description of Puras
There are 8 Puras or cities
To the east of Great Mount Meru is the city of Lord Indra - The God of heavens
To the south is the ghost city of the Lord of death
In other 2 directions are the cities of Lord Varun (Waterworld) and Lord of Moon
When there is day in one Pura, it is night in other.

If Jagdish Chandra Bose had not made efforts to convince the west that TREES have Life, they might had never known this. He came to know this from Indian Scriptures.

Goddess Sita's views about plant in Ramayana 
In scriptures at many places, the trees are mentioned as having life. In one of they Myth Stories of Ramayana, Sita tries to explain her two sons - Luv & Kush that don't cut trees for wood. Only cut dry trees as they are dead. A green tree should not be cutted as they feel pain on cutting.

"From the analysis of the variation of the cell membrane potential of plants under different circumstances, he hypothesised that plants can "feel pain, understand affection etc."

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